Your career
starts here
Find your first, second, and third job on the career network built just for you.
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The authentic and helpful place where 15M+ students get guidance, inspo, info, and connections straight from the source.
Built just for you with personalized content from your school, experts, and ~1M companies.
The career platform you’ll actually use with jobs, internships, and opportunities you won’t find anywhere else.
These companies and more want to hire people like you
Inspiring career content
Broaden your search with posts, videos, and articles highlighting career paths you might not have considered.
Personalized job recs
Get recommendations for jobs, opportunities, and events based on your profile, interests, and what’s best for you.
Events to strengthen your search
Make face-to-face connections at career fairs, networking sessions, resume workshops, and more.
Message with recruiters, students, and alumni
Get the upper hand in interviews, answers to your career questions, and build your network.
"Handshake provides all the jobs you could want in one place, and allows you to be super organized with due dates and searches. It makes the entire process easier."
"I've had five internships, this will be my fifth one... four opportunities came directly from Handshake."
"You're able to filter for visa status restrictions and it saves international students so much time because we don't want to be applying for jobs we know we're never going to get."
"Handshake is a great way to find jobs and internships. It's really easy to use and it's really easy to find what you're looking for."
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